External Links
Links to external resources and websites.
GPT.Bible Publications available on Amazon (commissions earned, affiliate partner)
Biblical Unitarian Links
Unitarian Christian Alliance
Founded in 2019, the UCA is a network committed to the truth of the One God. While holding to various beliefs in other areas, UCA members all agree that the God of the Bible is the Father alone, and that Jesus is his human Messiah. The mission of the UCA and its growing membership is to promote unitarian theology and to connect like-minded believers across the globe.
A place for theology, church history, apologetics, inspiration, and other odds and ends
21st Century Reformation
Each of our topics has its own website section filled with articles, videos, audios, and other features by some of the leading writers and speakers from among one God believers today.
Site and podcast to survey, explain and evaluate theories about God, Jesus, and the Trinity.
Trinities YouTube Channel
REV Bible
The Revised English Version® (REV®) is modern Bible translation produced by Spirit & Truth Fellowship International. REV is translated from a biblical unitarian theological perspective and contains much commentary when clinking on particular verses.
The One God, the Father, On Man Messiah Translation (New Testament)
Biblical Unitarian New Testament translation by Sir Anthony F. Buzzard. The unique value of this translation lies in its introduction and accompanying notes, designed to correct widespread misunderstandings caused by post-biblical, unexamined tradition.
Biblical Unitarian website with numerous articles and resources.
biblical unitarian YouTube Channel
Biblical Unitarian teaching and resources
Restoration Fellowship
Dedicated to recovering the beliefs of the first-century disciples of Jesus, the Messiah. Founded by Sir Anthony Buzzard, Bt., MA (Oxon.) MA Th. in 1981
Exploring what the Bible says about the One God and how it may differ from Church tradition.
Christian Disciples Church Online
The Trinity Delusion – Apologetics of Brother Kel
The articles on this site are mainly directed toward informed Trinitarian theologians and apologists, or those who wish to be informed, whether they are vocational theologians and apologists or whether they are everday laypeople. While uninformed or laissez-faire “Trinitarians” will find much useful information on these pages, they are not the intended audience. In other words, some of the more austere sounding points I might direct toward “Trinitarians” are not necessarily directed toward you just because you have been taught to believe in the Trinity. I find it very disturbing that academic scholars, theologians, and apologists, know certain facts concerning this issue and do not disclose them honestly to everyday people.
Biblical Unitarian site with various articles focused on who the God of the Bible is and who Jesus Christ is, and what his life and teaching were all about.
A growing collection of in-depth exegetical and historical research articles about the doctrine of the Trinity.
This website was made after being led by God to challenge popular Trinitarian doctrine from a grammatical and historical perspective of Scripture.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – Trinity Entry
noTrinity App
A biblical examination of the Trinity doctrine
Biblical Unitarian Missions
Lord’s Harvest International
Lord’s Harvest International strives to encourage, strengthen and support churches, children and families for the Kingdom of God.
Apostles Doctrine Links
Following the Teaching of the Apostles in the book of Acts (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:12-17, Acts 10:44-48, Acts 19:2-7) and in Romans 6:2-4. This is a site dedicated to the Apostles teaching of the book of Acts.
The Last Reformation
“What we read in the book of Acts is as well for today, and that we need to come back to the simple disciple life the first Christians had. The Last Reformation is a reformation about the true gospel and the simple disciple life, but also a reformation of the church.”
They practice water baptism in Jesus’ name.
21st Century Reformation
Perhaps the single most pivotal point in the apostles’ doctrine is found in the words “God has made him to be Lord and Christ” in Acts 2:36 to Peter’s command to be baptized in the name of Jesus “Christ” in Acts 2:38. The Greek word translated as Christ is “Christos” and refers to one who has been anointed. Peter declares in Acts 10:38 that God has “anointed” Jesus of Nazareth. To the apostles, Jesus is not God, but rather Christ, God’s anointed one.
True apostolic teaching in the second chapter of Acts, as well as in the balance of Acts, finds not a single instance in which the apostles were teaching the people that Jesus was in fact the Father or God in the flesh. So, let us be truly apostolic! Let us preach to the nations the true and complete apostolic message – not that Jesus is God Almighty – but rather that he is the one who has been made “Lord and Christ” by God. “Jesus” is the Messiah!
Higher Ground Church, TN
Our response to God through Jesus Christ is to repent (have a change of mind) and believe the gospel (Mark 1:15), confess our faith, be baptized in water by immersion in the name of Jesus, and receive the spirit of God. The Apostle Peter said:
Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Coming to be “in Christ” makes a person a participant in God’s new covenant (Heb. 13:20, 21). In this covenant, Jesus is our mediator with God (1 Tim. 2:5), our leader – our head (1 Cor. 11:3). In the new covenant, Jesus is our teacher and we will be judged by his words (John 12:48-50).
Lakeshore Bible Church, Temple AZ
Man’s response to God through Jesus Christ will be belief in the gospel, confession of faith, baptism by immersion in the name of Jesus, and growth in Christian life (Romans 6:4-6; Acts 2:38).
Textural Criticism / Christian History
The Case Against Q
The standard solution to the Synoptic Problem supposes that Matthew and Luke made independent use not only of Mark but also of another source, now lost, called ‘Q’. But in The Case Against Q Mark Goodacre combines a strong affirmation of Markan Priority with a careful and detailed critique of the Q hypothesis, giving fresh perspectives on the evidence drawn not only from traditional methods but also from contemporary scholarly approaches.
The Synoptic Problem
Arguably the greatest literary enigma in history, the Synoptic Problem has fascinated generations of scholars who have puzzled over the agreements, the disagreements, the variations, and the peculiarities of the relationship between the first three of our canonical Gospels. Yet the Synoptic Problem remains inaccessible to students, soon tangled up in its apparent complexities. But now Mark Goodacre offers a way through the maze, with the promise of emergence at the end, explaining in a lively and refreshing style what study of the Synoptic Problem involves, why it is important and how it might be solved. This is a readable, balanced and up-to-date guide, ideal for undergraduate students and the general reader.